
    White Wings of life
    by:  Karl Granse, 1992

   In time, does discipline in truth and love, create freedom . . .

    My 6th dragon slain, the 43rd battle won, this my 7th journey begins, taking faith and hope to its ends, for or against, we must discern, my right to do right is now of great concern, and for this freedom I burn.  My search for that truth with its master way, to save this world yet I pray, for final disaster is upon her way.  With action upon this path, narrow and sometimes wide, we must choose sides, indeed a battle I perceive, for world rulers condescend, mortal man they rescind, mere animal is their plea, this I cannot pretend nor defend.  A world without definition that truth can find, and virtuous reason that fails to climb.  A world of unknown, so they would have us believe, yet, the truth is under their propaganda lock and key, for it's known, a wise man must be free, and truth's soldier will keep him free.  Therefore, with scrolled question in hand, as burden to me, I pick up stride, a pain to me.  This my journey, my answer plan, to free men from this finite sea, ending this bondage and life's fallacy. 

    Moving forward now, this I view, my entry to life, this and more.  A shadow by my door, yes!  The guardian of night's spirit, he is life to me, and thus I hear his haunting, yet desperate voice say, "Knight so bright, you have found your way, go on, go on, thy ship awaits thee, and you shall find that which you seek."  I replied, "to search, is calm to me, my quest is to be free, my need for truth's answer is passion to me," and the guardian said, "Strength be with thee, if ye seek thy White Wings of Life," a pause came from his voice and then I heard him say, "Your courage do not save!" yes it echoed his final say.  Oh God, ye eternal sea, his echo did remind me, I held it to my heart as I headed out to life's space, this my eternal sea, to separate the finite and infinite was interest to me, not fallacy. How do I learn, energy and space I could not trace, as God finds no end, alleged time is only mans friend, yet the eternal is God's send.

    As I turn my glance from the past, and now looking before me, I become aware in my meditated stare, as brilliant comets blaze, their tails of glory in tribute to Alpha and Epoch ends, they traverse my heaven, seemingly without amend.  Billions of stars sparkle with their efflorescent soul of God's nature; mammoth in stature, their desire burns, giving up light to the ultimate end.  Planets and life do grow, so to many moons flow in luminous glow, Saturn and her rings are my heavenly things.  Beauty is my eternal friend, making her gentle ascend, a guardian she is, as peace beside me, that no dark past shall find me.  God's morning, sun's mooring, and creation sung, its nature's tetrahedron, this freedom foundation, is my fathomed lost friend.  Time is space to grow, the love caused essence, and axiom created action, for love equals truth's action with the freedom to know.

    From the intrinsic me comes great reason for inner depth to prevail, her fathomed height gives right to my celestial race, therefore to sail seas of truth that will never fail.  With humble heart to comprehend, I study God's mystery as a grant of eternal sight, yet within hope, sometime I know this sight will be mine.  Delighting in loves tempest glory, with repentant silent hope do I transcend as freedom is my spirits friend, reminding me God's stars are for loves direction, and true light for correction to an ever greater course toward perfection. Now this day I understand my spirits entrance to life, yes, this with subtlety have I heard from past, though proof has never been incurred.  Yet, now suspended by some absolute awe, a insight to God's creation this mystery unfolds around me, all that God has created is for me, it is mine to use, to care, yet mostly to share.  All my life is found by me, deep inside where it use to hide, my soul search is at epoch end, finding me my spirits friend.  A yes to the author of truth, has me silent and growing, graceful and knowing.  He granted peace to stand beside me, with self destruction now placed aside, even though it was my aged guide, yet now consistent faith marks my stride, my ship with sails are vested bright in valid detail, for love's true journey equals air to sail.

I, thee captain, she yields to me, yet not to the sea which carries me.  Insight to me, for freedom I have and freedom I found, with love I gave and she returned, so truth I spoke and she found me, blushing in spirit, touched and overwhelmed, stirring to be found, there and then, suddenly within this majestic moment of space, God stood there, yes right there, where I was held in the mist of eternity, with no beginning and no end, the omni-axiom to all, yes this was me, standing in utter unspeakable awe, yes me!  Still with question in hand, my old paper scroll deformed and torn, this for now I summoned my strength as suspense has frozen me, I must pray free, so long I waited to ask, and yet now I suddenly know, "Where do broken hearts go?"  They go to God, the greatest of all loving hearts, as He now mends this mortal man, returning a complete new beauty, in truth, hearts find amend, therefore returning to those who would give as love's friend.  Now warm and whole in this light, wanting that I should never go, yet I wait no more, I am fulfilled at last, my ship has turned to gold, she's no longer old and suffering from yesterdays, yet still in astound, peace and space all around, yes I have been found, for I saw God, so excited am I, for this I must return to tell, quickly I travel on, back to earth and more, back to life with more, yet, now a silent bit of strange sorrow enters my heart, for this, a new question I have found, "Did God really see this heart was for Him ?" 

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